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Grapevine Fellowship, Las Vegas, NV

Member Since: September 23, 2016
Festival biz experience: 18+ years
Las Vegas, Nevada

Welcome to Grapevine Fellowship, a Foursquare church.

You will not find people pretending to be perfect here.  We know that there is only ONE, and He sits at the right hand of the Father.  However, you will find a group of people who love the Lord and are being conformed to  His image.

We believe in the power of prayer; and through that prayer, God has called us to reach out to the broken; to those who have been crushed and left crippled by the overwhelming, constant storms of life.

Please know that many of our members have experienced restoration from all types of addictions.  We believe that God was, is, and always will be the healer to those that call upon His Name.  Because of this, we want everyone who enters our doors to find a place of belonging, unconditional love, a safe place to ask questions and, most importantly, a place to grow.

Festival/Event/Show, Children's entertainment, Games/Activities
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Various Events - Christ, Crafts, Family, Festival, Carnival, Games
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