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Val Cerretti-Watson, Clive, IA

Member Since: September 16, 2010
Clive, Iowa

Greetings from Central Iowa.  We love to create various pieces of jewelry, primarily bracelets, necklaces, and earrings because the options are limitless. It is fun and feels good to make something that someone else can enjoy.


My daughter is a great artist, even at the age of 11.  She specializes animal cartooning but is also now drawing dragons.  A piece of her work was featured in the Visionary Artist section of the Des Moines Art Festival this summer.  Sky is the limit for her!


Looking for ways to break out and share our creations with others.  If you are interested in seeing samples of our work, just send an email.


Val and Sydneyangel

Craftsperson, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
jewelry, crafts, drawing - bracelets, necklace designs and drawings
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