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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .

End of year sale

FestivalNet now averages over 1,300,000+ visitors and over 70 million page views every month!
Our traffic keeps rising, but our advertising prices are the same!

In fact, we want to offer you a discount on Featured Event Advertising.
A year end gift to you!

  Place your event at the top of search results and your state page as a Featured Event!

Featured Event w/ Links
1-2 = $89/ea  on Sale - $79/ each
3-5 = $79/ea  on Sale -$69/ each

Featured Event w/ no Links:
1-2 = $68/ea  on Sale -$63/ each
3-5 = $63/ea  on Sale -$58/ each

Prices are good until 12/24/2019! Your featured event will remain up until your event is over!

Order your Featured Event now!  - Contact Sara or Julie for assistance.
(800) 200-3737 option 2