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BDZ Designs, New Kensington, PA

Member Since: August 31, 2021
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
New Kensington, Pennsylvania
Hiya...How's it going? Hows it been and How's it gonna be?
Collected these Fossil Rocks for 50 years,
In 2020 cut them and now want to share with you
my Collection of Fossils with many Species of Ancient Sea Life. .
I've put them in a class of their own...
I saw Fossil Gemstones.
Millions of Years it took THEM to get to THIS FUTURE. The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create it... The Future is NOW. Take care and Please Help to Save OUR Planet. IT IS the only ONE we HAVE..and NOW Our lives Depend on it. Save the Fossils , Save the World !!! Help to Achieve this Task with ME and BE ,a part of BDZ...all that's missing is U and with YOU Anything is Possible ! Together WE CAN Save the World. The 1987 Montreal Project WORKED. Please Vow to be a Caretaker and Help. Thank you.
Artist-Crafter, Designer, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Rocks and Stones - My Pet Fossils, Hearts, Memes
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