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District of Mission Arts Council, Mission, BC

Member Since: January 30, 2013
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Mission, British Columbia
Executive Director Phone: (604) 826-0029 ED Phone: (604) 826-0029
The District of Mission Arts Council is a non-profit organization operated by dedicated volunteers. “To foster the development and appreciation of the arts by providing cultural and educational activities for the community of the District of Mission”. Our goals are to stimulate, coordinate and assist in the development of cultural and creative activities in the community. In addition to our programs and events, we strive to meet these objectives on a daily basis by acting as a central resource and referral agency, and by advocating for artists and the arts as a whole.
Art Council/Guild, Association/Organization, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
arts & crafts - arts & crafts
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