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Durango Autumn Arts Festival, Durango, CO

Member Since: November 21, 2003
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Durango, Colorado
Show Director Phone: (970) 259-2606 Exhibit Director Phone: (970) 259-2606 Food Director Phone: (970) 259-2606 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (970) 259-2606

Durango Arts Center presents its 22nd annual juried fine art and fine craft festival on Second Avenue in historic downtown Durango. Up to 100 artists and craftspeople from around the country will be exhibiting works in various media, including painting, sculpture, glass, photography, metal, wood, 2-D & 3-D mixed media, jewelry and ceramics. There will be live music, interactive art activities for all ages, and a food court with local cuisine. Like us on Facebook!


Festival Facts:
*September 17 & 18, 2016
*Up to 100 Juried Artist Booths
*$1,000 in Cash Artist Awards
*Complimentary Artist Dinner
*Patron traffic estimated at 6000
*Artist application deadline: May 20, 2016
*Apply online now at Zapplication


Show Promoter/Producer
Fine Art and Fine Craft
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