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» Do You Still Rock & Roll?

Do You Still Rock and Roll? 

Penny for your thoughts, a pocket full of soul

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?

A dollar for the taxman, a penny for the poor

Disconnect the doorbell and he’s knocking at your door.


There’s water in the powder, sour in the cream

The up side is down, are you getting what I mean?

The bucket is empty and still draining fast.

If you want to see the future take a good look at the past.

                 Look around you - oh oh –

                                                    Look around you! Oh – oh!!



All I understand it that able body strangers are holding out their hand.

You talk about a sham – I want to see the rising, it’s time to take a stand

I just don’t want to hear any more from the dark side – oh, oh, oh – from the dark side – oh, oh, oh


The outside is in, the inside is out

C’mon tell me children do you still twist and shout?

Driving Missy Daisy somehow became a sin.

Stick it to the rich folk, and stick em once again.


Strip away the backbone, chop em at the feet

Bowl full of jelly the giant has been beat.

Limb joint and sinew strip em to the bone

Jack killed the giant now Jack is on his own.

                   Look around you - oh oh –

                                                    Look around you! Oh – oh!!


All I understand is that Jack’s a total stranger and he’s holding out his hand.

You talk about a scam – I want to see the rising, it’s time to take a stand

I just don’t want to hear any more from the dark side – oh, oh, oh – from the dark side – oh, oh, oh


Fox in the hen house, Wolves watch the sheep

C’mon tell me children do you still earn your keep?

Each one to his class - must control the masses

Washington, Washington -ya bunch of silly ---------------------politicians


The outside is in, the inside is out

C’mon tell me children do you still twist and shout?  

Penny for your thoughts, a pocket full of soul

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?

C’mon tell me children, do you still rock and roll?