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Staci Perry, Grass Valley, CA

How I got started making soap!

posted November 14, 2012
How I got started making soap!
It all started with my skin! Seemed like everytime I turned around I had rash! :( I can not be certain of what in the store bought soaps give me a rash but it does. So I happened to go and have my first facial. The woman there recomended that I avoid products with SLS (sodium laurel sulfate). So off to K-mart I went to look at all the many soaps in thier store. Unfortunatly I could not find any there that did not contain SLS. Then I went to the local health food store. The soaps there were perfectly good.I picked up a bar of soap and I could actually read the ingredients! So I had a tought.... why couldn't I make my own soap? I went home and researched soap making and safety using lye. And there you have it my homemade soap making started.
Next I went to my church's fall bazar and sold soap there. My coustomers loved it! I have tryed it and I have given some to my family..all the people who have used my soap so far have had thier faces clear up! I am not by any means saying your face will clear up, but I highly recomend you try it for yourself and see....
Then please feel free to leave a comment good or otherwise. I love feed back. Thank you!


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