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Talladega Pilgrimage Council, Talladega, AL

Member Since: March 26, 2013
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Talladega, Alabama
Exhibit Director Phone: (205) 239-8842 Food Director Phone: (205) 239-8842 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (205) 454-6900

Through out the years, April in Talladega has helped to restore the Ritz Theater, the Landmarks Bingham home, the Talladega Train Depot Station and Heritage Hall, with annual gifts to these building and institutions. We have also purchased trees for the Historic Districts in Talladega.

In the last three years alone, the Pilgrimage Council has distributed almost 18,000 for these purposes. This year we donated $7,500 to the City of Talladega for the restoration of the facade of the Kenwin Waldrop Building on the square next to the Ritz Theater.

We hope this is a time when, not only visitors who do not know our city would take the opportunity to visit, but also a time when those who used to live here, etc. would return to visit families and see what new and old things Talladega has to offer.

There are few places that have the history that we have here in Talladega, from the founding of our town with the history of the Creek Indians and Andrew Jackson, to its plantation antebellum days, to the founding of Talladega College by former slaves, to its fame with the Chautaqua Performing Arts time at the turn of the century and the hub that Talladega was for the state of Alabama as 22 trains a ,day came through town. We have much to show off, talk about, and of which to be proud!

Association/Organization, Festival Services, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
tour of homes, Talladega heritage,block party - Tour of homes, Block party, "The Emperor's Cache, asian artifacts showcase, luncheon, cemetery ghost tour, antique show Townsend's, wine and cheese reception and more
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