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Yoknapatawpha Arts Council, Oxford, MS

Member Since: October 22, 2009
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Oxford, Mississippi
Arts Festival, Arts Agency

Founded in 1975 the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council remains committed to a diverse offering of artistic and cultural opportunities. Each year, YAC creates and delivers an exciting package of projects, programs and good works in the spirit of its mission to the community. Each year the staff, the board and volunteers work to present over 300 days of art programs ranging from students programs, exhibits by emerging artists, live theatre productions, concerts, classes, and independent film screenings.

The Arts Council assists over 20 various groups each year and produced annual events including the Fiber Arts Festival, Art-er Limits Fringe Festival, Summer Sunset Concerts, and Miss-i-sippin Beer Festival

Art Council/Guild
festival organizer
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