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Overview of Differences between PHP and Java

posted March 8, 2019

PHP and Java are the two most popular languages for web-oriented application. Both the languages follow different architectures and different programming paradigms but work for the fulfillment of the common needs for web application designs.

Even though both the languages have a common goal, there are considerable differences between these languages including performance and security.

List Of Certain Common Differences Between Java And PHP

  • According to PHP programmers in India,there are some prominent structural differences between Java and PHP. Java is a strongly typed language, which requires an explicit statement of intent to function that is backed by a compiler. PHP, on the contrary, is a weekly typed language and is more flexible and reliant on common sense programming knowledge about how it should be accomplished.
  • The methods and functions used in PHP allow for optional parameters, whereas in Java a separate method must be defined for its possible list of parameters.
  • PHP is mostly used by offshore PHP programmers for generating dynamic web pages. Apart from generating dynamic web pages, Java can also work with mobile phone software, enterprises, a desktop application with and without GUI, 3D games, and Google web Toolkit.
  • PHP offers object-oriented programming as an option which is ignored in most of the projects. In case of Java, object-oriented programming is the default option.
  • String constant in PHP is declared using double or single quotes where double quotes are used to evaluate variable embedded in the text. All Java string constants use double quotes and have no such variable evaluation.

As a PHP programmer in India, it makes more sense to use PHP while working on small websites instead of Java because PHP hosting is more affordable and has better and mature ecosystem. A large percentage of all the websites running in the world works on WordPress using PHP. Java, on the other hand, is more popular for an enterprise software purpose.


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