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JC Promotions, Inc. NJ Arts & Crafts Shows, North Arlington, NJ

Member Since: March 4, 2011
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
North Arlington, New Jersey
Show Director Phone: (201) 998-6311 Exhibit Director Phone: (201) 998-6311
Producer of Juried Arts & Craft shows in the select communities in NJ. 

JC Promotions, Inc.

 Event Promoters

JC Promotions, Inc. is a leading producers of Juried Arts & Crafts Shows in select NJ communities.

In addition, JC runs over 20 Street Fairs & Festivals annually,
which feature a Crafter's Corner located in the center of the event. 

JC also produces a wide variety of events that cater to our many types of vendors and customers. 
This is a list of the other types of events we run: Vintage & Antique Fairs, Women's Expos, Food Truck Fests, Flea Markets & Collectible Shows and the BIG Swap Bonanza (a giant garage & tag sale) and more!

Many of our events are fundraisers for over 30 NJ organizations. 
Contact us for fundraising information for your group.

For our listings of NJ events, every weekend of the year, visit our site.




Event Organizer, Artist-Crafter, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
arts crafts photography - JURIED NJ Arts & Crafts Shows
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