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Blog: covid-19


Performers: Events Are Coming Back

posted March 19, 2021   category » covid-19
Performers:  Events Are Coming Back

The COVID-19 pandemic has made an undeniable impact on the ability for others to gather and perform, making it more difficult for both artists and lovers of the arts to enjoy their passion. The good news? The development of multiple vaccines and their speedy distribution is making it so that many states feel safe gradually opening back up and inviting the public to return to some semblance of a normal day-to-day experience as we attempt to recover over time.


Fairs and festivals allowed again in Phase 3 in Louisiana

posted March 4, 2021   category » covid-19
Fairs and festivals allowed again in Phase 3 in Louisiana
NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - Along with a whole host of eased restrictions, Phase 3 brings back fairs and festivals, although a lot of the big ones like Jazz Fest have already been rescheduled for the fall.

Right now, outdoor fairs and festivals can be held at 50% capacity with no cap on attendance, but everyone there has to be six feet apart.

“We literally cheered in my office when we heard the governor said Phase 3,” Jefferson Parish District 5 Councilmember Jennifer Van Vrancken said.

Covid-19: Keeping up with the Events Industry

posted February 16, 2021   category » covid-19

Please Bookmark and share our COVID-19 STATE-BY-STATE
Guide about Mask Mandates & Mass Gathering Info. This information can also be found on every state page; search for events in your state.


Helpful Resources to our Community:


A Few Helpful Articles

5 Ways to Engage Virtual Customers
Tips For Staying Safe at Events This Year
How to Set Up Your Booth For Social Distancing
Making Sales in a Changing World

5 Ways to Engage Virtual Customers

posted February 8, 2021   category » covid-19
5 Ways to Engage Virtual Customers
It’s safe to say that the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to rethink everything we thought we knew about marketing. For those who already had a solid handle on engaging their customers virtually, they just had to up their game a bit. But if you have always relied on old-school marketing tactics, navigating this new world can be a struggle. Not to worry, though. These tried-and-true strategies for virtual engagement will help you get back on your feet again in no time.

Tips For Staying Safe at Festivals in 2021

posted January 4, 2021   category » covid-19
Tips For Staying Safe at Festivals in 2021

It’s been a long time since we welcomed hordes of people to our tents at festivals & craft shows. In the time since Covid-19 burst on the scene, many things have changed.  We’re a lot more cautious now, as well we should be. And the thought of facing all those large groups of people again is exhilarating, but scary, too.

Are you hoping to get back into the festival scene in 2021? If so, there are some precautions you can take to stay safe.

Encourage the use of face masks.

Wear a mask yourself, and insist that anyone working your booth with you do the same. Make sure that anyone who works with you understands the proper wearing, removal, and care of masks. Do what you can leading up to the event to notify your public that masks will be required in your tent, so that they won’t be taken by surprise. The CDC recommends that masks are your best protection in large crowds where social distancing might not be possible.

Use Physical Markers to Enforce Distancing

Physical markers can serve to remind people to remain six feet apart. Space out any chairs for sitting, and put tape on the ground to show people where to stand when they’re viewing your exhibit or waiting in line. You can also use tape to indicate where the entrance and exit is to reduce overcrowding in these areas. Put up signs in visible locations to remind visitors about social distancing, handwashing, and masks. You might even consider putting up signs in large print or Braille so everyone can read them.

Wash your hands frequently.

Do what you can to encourage your visitors to wash their hands as frequently as possible. If it’s not possible for them to readily access a sink with soap and water for handwashing, make hand sanitizer available to them. Anyone who collects tickets or picks up garbage should wash their hands afterwards with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you need to use hand sanitizer instead, just make sure that it’s at least 60% alcohol and you rub your hands dry afterward.

Ensure proper ventilation and airflow.

Outdoor craft shows are less risky, because air is constantly moving, dispersing the airborne droplets that spread the virus. If you’re indoors, make sure the space has adequate ventilation. Outdoor air should be circulated as much as possible. If you’re using a fan, just make sure that it doesn’t blow directly from one person to another, as this can spread viruses. If you’re in a tent, put all the sides up if weather permits to maximize airflow.

Use touchless payments if possible.

Not only does this cut out the danger and inconvenience of handling cash, but it makes transactions quicker and lines shorter. And the encryption technology helps protect you from fraud. Check out Square or PayPal for contact-free payment options. You will find that most of your customers will be relieved to have this option for payment. Increasingly, consumers are rebelling against the idea of carrying cash around.


It’s a personal decision as to whether you’re ready to take on the craft show scene again. But rest assured that taking a few precautions can go a long way towards keeping you safe.

How to Set Up Your Craft Booth For Social Distancing

posted December 28, 2020   category » covid-19
How to Set Up Your Craft Booth For Social Distancing

It’s that moment craft show participants everywhere have been waiting for.


At last, there’s a light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel and it looks like we’ll get to display our work at craft shows and events again.


Of course, we’re still not entirely out of the woods.


If you’re worried about safety during the upcoming craft show season, there are ways you can set up your booth to keep everyone safe.


Here are a few simple recommendations for the socially distanced craft booth in a post-Covid world.

Require masks

While this may be difficult to enforce, asking visitors to wear masks can go a long way towards stopping the spread of Covid-19. The CDC still recommends the wearing of cloth masks as one of the simplest yet most effective ways to mingle in public safely. Even after the vaccine is distributed and for some time, wearing a mask is a visible sign that you are taking precautions and care about the safety of your guests.


Be sure to wear a mask yourself and politely encourage your visitors to wear one, too. This will make more of your vulnerable visitors (the elderly or immuno-compromised) feel more at ease when they come to your booth.

Set out individual pieces separately

It’s all part of the experience: large numbers of people putting their hands on items as they look at them. After all, touching and handling prospective purchases is part of the fun.


Unfortunately, it’s also a prime way to spread dangerous germs.


To minimize this, spread individual pieces out along your tables so that visitors can look at items without putting their hands all over everything. Ideally, invest in a case that can protect your items from handling unless requested.

Limit the number of items out for display.

For the same reasons mentioned above, keep just a few diverse, good-quality items out for display. Avoid overcrowding on your tables. This makes it possible for people to look through items while still maintaining a safe distance from one another.


Bring some extra merchandise to replenish empty spaces as items are purchased.

Make sure there’s adequate space between your booth and others

Work with other vendors to keep your booth a good distance away from those on either side of you.


This can help minimize any crowding as people move from one booth to another.


As this may not be entirely within your control, it’s worth it to contact the venue and find out what arrangements they are making for social distance between booths.

Use a plastic screen.

Shield your register with a plastic screen and stay behind when ringing up purchases and interacting with visitors.


As their name suggests, these “sneeze guards” protect you from flying particles when anyone sneezes, coughs, or even just talks.

Keep hand sanitizer on hand.

Make hand sanitizer readily available to visitors as they move through your booth and handle your merchandise.


Bring enough with you to ensure that you don’t run out.


And give your hands a rub as often as possible throughout the day to protect yourself and others as well.

Make your entrance display as compelling as possible.

You’ve always known that your success depended on an enticing display at the entrance of your booth, and that’s even more true now.


Visitors decide whether to enter or not based on your display, so make sure it’s an accurate representation of the goodies inside.


Also, if more of your merchandise can be seen from the entrance, it means a smaller crowd in the space within, making it safer for everyone.

Accept credit cards

If you don’t yet use Square, or some other app that allows you to accept credit cards, now’s the time.


Reducing the amount of cash that changes hands is one of the best ways to keep transactions germ-free.


Craft shows may never be quite the same in a post-Covid world. But with a few precautions, you can set up your booth in a way that’s profitable, enjoyable, and safe.


Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

posted November 25, 2020   category » covid-19
Wishing You and Your Loved Ones a Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from FestivalNet
We all know how hard 2020 has been on the events and arts industries, & we can only look forward to a brighter & better 2021. We remain grateful to you and our entire community!

No matter how your holiday looks this year, we wish you a peaceful day, small blessings, and good health.

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”
– Willie Nelson

Happy Thanksgiving!
From the FestivalNet Staff

Making Sales in a Changing World

posted November 23, 2020   category » covid-19

by Carolyn Edlund for Artsy Shark

Our industry has changed forever, and there is no going back to the old ways of doing business. Even traditional selling models will have to develop virtual components—or fail. Luckily, creative thinking is squarely in the wheelhouse of every artist and crafter. Are you using any of the following strategies?

Polish Your Artist Website

Your art website is the best place to showcase what you do, since you control content and presentation. Design it to display your art beautifully with stunning images and plenty of them. If your website isn’t ready for prime time, your sales will suffer. Does your About page share a compelling story? Do you provide information for shoppers about your art and how to purchase it, including terms and policies? Do you have prices listed and a shopping cart? If your answer to any of those questions is no, it is likely there is “friction” on your site that is preventing sales rather than encouraging them.

Image: ArtsyShark

Get Comfortable with Video

Anyone with a smartphone or computer can make videos. Present a collection of your work and tell your story authentically to reach your audience most effectively. Online tools like Lumen 5 are useful for this purpose.

Then, place your video content in multiple places, such as your website and social media profiles. YouTube is a massive platform filled with videos of all types—and as the second-biggest search engine in the world, it’s an excellent place to start. Many artists who teach have switched over from live workshops to video lessons on YouTube with very positive results. Videos are perfect vehicles for Instagram Stories and are also the format for Facebook Live. Sales can literally be made directly on these platforms.

If you’re camera shy, or fear that you don’t take a good photo, it could be slowing you down. Resolve to get past that hesitation. Start now by making a video about yourself and your work, then share and gauge the results. It gets easier over time, and you will most likely be glad you took the first step.

"Sing, dance, have fun & be safe!"

posted September 23, 2020   category » covid-19
"Sing, dance, have fun & be safe!"
Celebrating festivals that can still happen during this unprecedented time has been so eye opening - the inventiveness, the creativity, the gusto. How so many festivals who can, will, keep shining their bright light for the music and wonderful times that only a festival can provide. 

Coming up quick is the Delaware Friends of Folk.  With the state of Delaware's helpful guidelines giving shape to how this outdoor event can take place,  Friends of Folk website lists its rules for campers and attendees to follow.  In true festival form, their final rule asked patrons to "sing, dance, have fun & be safe!"   Take a look at other guidelines that allow this Delaware festival to take place.

Delaware Friends of Folk COVID-19 Rules

  1. There will be handwashing and sanitizing stations located throughout the fesitval site. The portable toilets will be sanitized regularly and hand washing stations will be provided in the restroom areas.

  2. Social distancing is strongly encouraged, please respect each others space at all times and stay within your group.

  3. Masks are required at all times in the main gathering area unless you are standing within your group or seated at the stage. While walking around or visiting vendors we asks that masks or face coverings be worn. Vendors reserve the right to ask customers to use a mask when shopping in their booth.

  4. Childrens activities will be limited to lawn games only.  We encourage you to bring personal items from home  to occupy your children. There will be no staff supervision and no arts and crafts area this year to promote social distancing.

  5. There will be wooden spools to designate areas for your group in front of the stage. If these are taken, you may claim a spot 6 feet away from other attendees not in your group. There is plenty of viewing room and space to enjoy the stage.

  6. For those camping, masks are not required in your personal campsite. Campers have plenty of space to spread out, please take the time to pick a spot that ensures proper distance from those not camping with you.

  7. Take notice of signs throughout. They are there to remind you of the guidelines.

  8. Please stay home if you do not feel well, or if you have been in contact with anyone that tested positive within 2 weeks prior to October 2nd 2020.

  9. Please review again. Delaware Friends of Folk reserves the right to ask attendees to leave that may  be endangering  the safety of others.

  10. Sing, dance, have fun & be safe!

We here at FestivalNet wish your event all the best, Friends of Folk! 

When and Where:

The 29th Delmarva Folk Festival will be October 2-3, 2020.
Location: 352 Downs Chapel Rd, Clayton, DE 19938 (near Hartly)

A Letter from the Events Database Manager

posted July 1, 2020   category » covid-19

These past few months have brought an unprecedented challenge to maintain the constantly changing event information on FestivalNet. Promoters are in a very difficult position to make decisions far enough in advance to coordinate vendors and venues while trying to make a profit without endangering the public. Decisions can and often do, change overnight.

We are having to go back and double check the current 2020 events, which has put us behind on updating last year's event listings on our site. We are hopeful that we will be able to get more events updated as states are opening up and we are finding future 2020 and 2021 dates on the events websites.

We have always taken pride in keeping our listings as up-to-date and correct as possible so that we can help you all plan your schedule for the year. We are confident that we provide the most consolidated up to date event information on the web. Despite the obvious financial impact we have undergone, we have increased our staff in an attempt to continue to bring our members the most current event information possible. We apologize if some event listings have not been up to the standards that you have come to expect.

Please know that we will continue to work diligently to update listings and remove the ones that we know are not taking place. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.

Festival Vendors Struggle Through COVID-19

posted May 21, 2020   category » covid-19

Festival Vendors Struggle Through COVID-19




Julie Cochrane, Operations Manager



Festival Vendors in Search of Options

Almost 50% of vendors surveyed rely on events for all income


Raleigh, NC. announces results of their May 2020 COVID-19 impact study. With more than 3,500 responded, the survey uncovered the challenges and creativity of being a festival vendor or performer.


Full survey results:

Some quotes from our members:


“Unfortunately like many vendors, our products sell best when they can be seen in person, touched...tried on. I think online shows are going to be a big part of the new norm, but the in person are SO much better, especially the music festivals." - Craftsperson Lori Trafford, Montana


"I am a henna artist which requires me to be within 1 foot or less of a client in order to do my artwork on their body. With social distancing this is impossible, and I don't foresee people being comfortable sitting that close for at least 2 years..." - Lisa Paulger, Jacksonville Beach, Florida


About Founded in 1996, FestivalNet serves festival vendors, artists, craftspeople, musicians, event promoters and visitors throughout North America. With more than 300,000 members, we provide detailed event information for more than 26,000 events and tools to help our community connect to make events successful. 


🌎 Please Take our Event Impact Survey

posted May 19, 2020   category » covid-19
🌎 Please Take our Event Impact Survey
FestivalNet All Member News is requesting all hands on deck from event promoters at this time. Please take a few minutes and complete this survey.

Your participation will help us paint the picture of the impact of COVID-19 across the events industry in North America. The data we compile will be part of a report that we will publish with the purpose of bringing our community closer together.

Go to Survey
If someone else is better suited for this survey, please forward this email to that person.

Thanks so much!

Julie Cochrane
Operations Manager

FestivalNet Survey Response

posted May 18, 2020   category » covid-19

Crisis to Community:

Artist & Vendor COVID Survey Results Summary

Since 1996, has maintained a database of North American fairs and festivals, offering extensive event details for the exhibiting artist, performer, and vendor. We pride ourselves with providing the most event information from coast to coast and serving our members year after year by meeting their event research needs. As COVID-19 raged, changing every aspect of life as we knew it, hoped to gain an understanding of the impact and reach of this global health crisis within our community by conducting a business impact survey.

We've read every single reply. To all those who participated, we hear you loud and clear. Something that stood out to us when reading your feedback is people have a desire to connect. Tell their story. Be heard. We hope our response helps move our community closer together than ever before

To make that hope a reality, we're exploring new and creative ways to serve you with the intention of helping our community survive this most challenging of times, even as our country struggles to find ways to safely allow group gatherings.  

For many, dealing with this pandemic unfolded in stages starting with denial and often culminating in some form of productivity and a plan. FestivalNet member Mark Taylor described his experience:

“We simply sat down and said to ourselves we can sit here and feel sorry for ourselves...or we can get our butts into the studio and figure out how to reinvent ourselves and at least survive this event." - IDEA Studio, Hilton Head, SC

While survey responses are still coming in and we might reevaluate our data again, at the time of exporting these results, 3,494 people across the United States and parts of Canada identify in the following ways:  

2020 Pandemic Resources

posted May 15, 2020   category » covid-19

💡 COVID-19 Business Impact Survey

posted April 16, 2020   category » covid-19
💡 COVID-19 Business Impact Survey
FestivalNet All Member News

We know our website and services must evolve to help the Festival Community survive. I ask you to please take our survey so we can shape our tools and services while collecting important data on the impact of COVID-19 in the North American events industry.

This 16 question survey is for all artists, vendors, exhibitors, & service providers in the North American events industry; please share this survey with your circles. (This survey is not for the general public, customers or event promoters.)

Go to Survey
Be sure to check out our recent COVID-19 related blog posts.

Also, this is a great time to work on your FestivalNet Profile and Shop, we are promoting our online community heavily at this time. Please get in touch if you need help.😊

Thank you so very much!

Be well,

Julie Cochrane
Operations Manager

An Update from FestivalNet Operations Manager

posted April 3, 2020   category » covid-19
An Update from FestivalNet Operations Manager
FestivalNet All Member News
April 3, 2020

A Message From Our Operations Manager

Our hearts are heavy with the reality that this pandemic is affecting every member of our community. The following is an update on what is doing at this time.

Our hardworking staff is doing its very best, every day, to keep events updated, in addition to contacting promoters to get the very latest information and plans for the future. It is an arduous task with over 26,000 events in our database and the information on COVID-19 changing nearly daily. 

With the sincere hope of offering some respite, we are initiating several new actions:

- All current and new Pro members will receive an automatic, and free, two month extension of their membership. There is no action required on your part for this.

-We are offering a renewal and new member discount at this time & your membership will run for 14 months rather than 12.

- We are finishing up our form for livestream & virtual vendor events. 

- We are offering discounted Featured Events with a promise: if your future event is forced to reschedule any time this year, we will extend your Feature at no additional cost to you. (Events: Update your event listing here.)

We hope you take this time to work on your FN community profile and shop so we can help promote your business online.

We've been here with you since 1996 and plan to continue being of service long after COVID has run its course. In the meantime, please let us know if there's anything more we can do for you during these most difficult of times.

We encourage you to take advantage of federal relief options open to artists, entrepreneurs and small businesses working in the creative economy. The CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act is now law and also offers direct support for both non-profit cultural organizations and state and local arts and humanities agencies.

Guide to CARES Act
COVID-19 Economic Injury Loan Application

Wishing you and yours very well, at this time and always.

Julie Cochrane
Operations Manager

Featured Event Sale and a Guarantee

posted March 30, 2020   category » covid-19

We are discounting Featured Events at this time...... with a promise to you.  If your event gets rescheduled, we will extend your Featured Event. If you need to postpone, we got your back, and will activate your Featured Event when you are ready to roll.

Regular Prices:

$89 for 1 or 2 Events
$79 for 3-5

Sale Prices with Date Change Guarantee

$79 for 1 or 2 Events
$69 for 3-5

Benefits of FEATURED EVENT status: Appear ON TOP of your state page above the FREE listings. 

We care about the success of your event!
  Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Two Free Months and $10 Off

posted March 30, 2020   category » covid-19

cool Unprecedented times calls for unprecedented offers.

It's a great time to research events for later on this year & get booked!

We are offering all members TWO FREE MONTHS when you buy one year
AND $10 off at this time. 

Instead of 12 months, you will get 14 months of Pro member access for as low as $39!!! 

Use one of these codes at check out:

$10 off code for Pros with memberships that have lapsed

 $10 off code for brand new members
and basic members who are ready to go Pro for full event details

We are excited for the events industry to come back strong when we get through this health crisis together.

If you have recently ordered, we will give you a free upgrade
or credit on future purchase, just get in touch with us and we would love to help.

All Current Pro Members received two extra months tacked on to your membership at this time.

Please be in touch with us if you need any help. Thank you and we wish you well!

FestivalNet Cares about your Business!

posted March 20, 2020   category » covid-19

FestivalNet Responding to COVID-19

Please Bookmark and share our new COVID-19 STATE-BY-STATE
Guide about Mask Mandates, Mass Gathering Info, and Current Re-opening Information.


EVENT Promoters:

If you know future dates for your listing, please update your listings ASAP. Remember everyone, there is just one listing per event. Do not cancel your event and add a new listing.

If you have added any 'online' components to your event such as livestream, virtual vendor fair, etc., please come on over to your event form & fill out these details so your event can appear on our new virtual events pages.

ARTISTS & Vendors:


At this time, we will be linking to members community pages (galleries, blogs, shops) heavily to assist in your virtual business exposure & consumer traffic, please take this time to enhance your online presence on FN. Go to 'my account' to get started.

In light of COVID-19, we have created this new page for event cancellations in your area. (*While we are doing our best to reach out to events that have been effected, FestivalNet will not always be notified when an event makes changes.) 

Wishing everyone well and take care of each other!

Peruse our blog often for updates, articles, and information.

Thank you.

Finding Balance in Uncertain Times

posted March 20, 2020   category » covid-19

Finding Balance in Uncertain Times
...from all of us at to all of you.

It is our sincerest hope that you and your loved ones remain healthy as this pandemic rages and then runs its course. But health isn’t the only concern. Artists, crafters, food vendors and entertainers...our community...depend on groups and gatherings to make a living. And, these are the very things which are being cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19.

The combination of social distancing, self-quarantine, concern for loved ones and economic impact makes for extraordinary stress during these already difficult times. The Centers for Disease Control says how you respond to the pandemic can depend on your background, the things which make you different from other people, and the community you live in. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in both adults and children.

Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can include:

  • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating
  • Worsening of chronic health problems
  • Increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs