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Five Element Decor, Portland, OR

Shifting Energy in your Home and Life through the Art of Expectancy

posted October 20, 2013
Shifting Energy in your Home and Life through the Art of Expectancy
Every artist knows one of the key seeds of creativity is the proper application of "expectancy".  Expectancy is distilled from a combining of thought, emotion and will.
However, it also requires, in order to be fully manifested, one more ingredient - the magical component of "innocence".

Without innocence you can create  a most beautiful bird, but it will not fly.

But what is the key to obtaining this truly magical ingredient?
Simple - one must dissolve all duality.
It is no secret that children are viewed as  losing innocence once they engage in the duality of sexuality. Hidden beneath this misconception lies a greater truth - Innocence equals Non-duality. What the rishis called "advaita".

But more to the subject, innocence is accessed by the artist whenever they collect all of their opposing energies in the non-duality of the Now. Once accessing this quality, they can add it to any combination of thought, feeling and will, and the bird will fly. Possibly soar.

Use the Art of Expectancy with the properly placed earth  energies of the 5 Elements of Feng Shui and there are literally no limits to the transformative potential of your home.

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