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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.

About Us

FestivalNet® publishes the most extensive and comprehensive database of festivals and fairs in North America. We wrap this data around technologically current tools and resources relevant to the professional exhibiting artist, craftperson, musician, band, service provider, booking agent, vendor, promoter, and festival goer. A leader in the festivals and special events industry since 1996, we generate over 1,300,000+ monthly visitors and publish detailed event data on 26,000+ festivals, art shows, art and craft shows, music festivals, and other events. Our FN Community and FN Marketplace greatly expands our reach and presence in this market and offers new opportunities for our members and the public to connect.

FestivalNet Offers

Comprehensive Nationwide Detailed information for Professionals.

Thousands of events throughout the U.S. updated and expanded daily.

Event Listings & Promotion Opportunities for Festivals.

We provide FREE listings and exposure for festivals and events.

Listings and Links for art, craft, festival, music biz Related Products.

Other Resources related to the festival biz. Find Suppliers and Services plus list your product or service for FREE.

A Searchable Online Database with basic information on All our events.

Our Basic Show Info Search is of particular interest to Festival Goers.