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Green River Depression Era Glass Club, Kent, WA

Member Since: January 21, 2017
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Kent, Washington
The Green River Depression Era Glass Club has put on this glass show & sale for 40 years. Over the years, we have had many notable authors of glass-related books as our show guests. They have provided free glass identification (limit 2 items) for show attendees. In addition to tables of items for sale, local glass clubs provide displays of their particular glassware for viewing only. The Club meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Des Moines Masonic Hall, 2208 S 223rd, Des Moines, WA at 7 PM, with the exception of our August Picnic.
Festival/Event/Show, Antiques/Vintage, Other
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Glass/Pottery - Glass/Pottery
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