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Blog - Music

Karen L. Davis, Jersey City, NJ


posted March 20, 2010   category » Music

Here's my musical thought of the day - inspired by riding my bike. There's a story behind this, so bear with me.

Eager to enjoy this early spring weather - to revel in the Rites, to properly see in this time of my birth - this season of the Ram - I went for a bike ride yesterday. Noting special in that, except it was the first time I did intervals on the road this year. Intervals are periods of intense cycling (Presto) followed by recovery periods (lento to andante)  followed by more intense cycling.

Seems that the harder you pedal, the more pressure goes on your tush. I usually wear padded shorts, but not yesterday - couldn't find them and didn't want to take the time to look, so I just wore my fitness shorts. All was well until the 4th interval when it started to feel like my sit bones were coming through my skin. Not pleasant, I can assure you.

I still had 6 intervlas to go - plus the ride home. I was in trouble. Finished the session very uncomfortably, but the fact that my tush is not as tough (or numb) in March as it is in May was brought home to me in no uncertain terms.

Musical Thought of the Day: Keep those callouses thick - practice, practice, practice. Since I do 3 nursing home hits every week, some times 4 or 5. my fingers are always protected by my nice deep callouses, whether I'm having formal gigs or not. My fingers are never as sore and my ... was yesterday. Keep those callouses thick, and you'llfinish your session smiling instead of questioning your sanity.


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