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Martial Arts Personal Development Center, San Antonio, TX

Local Martial Arts Academy WINS Nickelodeon’s 2010 Parents’ Pick Award 2nd Year in a Row!

posted February 11, 2011
Local Martial Arts Academy WINS Nickelodeon’s 2010 Parents’ Pick Award 2nd Year in a Row!

Karate Plus Martial Arts Personal Development Center in San Antonio, Texas WINS 2010 Nickelodeon’s Parents’ Picks Award for “Best Martial Arts Classes” for the second year in a row!


The Parents' Picks Awards is an annual nationwide online poll that allows parents to vote for their favorite family places, products and parenting tips. The 2010 voting took place from July 7 through August 31, 2010. ParentsConnect announced the winners online on September 15, 2010.


Nickelodeon's ParentsConnect, the online resource for parenting advice and community, is hosting its third annual Parents' Picks Awards. From July to August ParentsConnect invited parents to pick the best parenting products, parenting tips and local family places. Karate Plus Martial Arts Personal Development Center in San Antonio WON for “Best Martial Arts Classes”. The 2010 Parents' Picks Award winners will be featured on ParentsConnect throughout the year....


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by karateplus, posted February 11, 2011

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