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11 Ideas to Create a Fantastic Atmosphere and Environment

posted November 29, 2012
11 Ideas to Create a Fantastic Atmosphere and Environment
The Writing Team of Premiere Packaging

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The ambiance you create within your booth will bring people in or intimidate them. This concept is critical, as you don't want the booth set up to be intimidating, discouraging, alienating, or depressing.

photo credit: Mai Le –

1. A booth that is dark and cave like with everything toward the back will not get the same response as a booth that has vivid colors, interesting patterns, and display cases that utilize the entire space. A warm, bright, airy feeling is always better than a cave like environment.

2. The more creative your use of space, the better your chances of engaging customers. Creativity should not be confused with complexity. In the world of craft shows, complexity can also be intimidating to the customer and overshadow the crafts you wish to sell.

3. Creating the environment includes the floor and the ceiling as they are considered part of the display booth and should be utilized. Think of ways to include the floor and ceiling with visual touches. Perhaps adding a complimentary design on the floor or color scheme in the ceiling can tie the space together.

Read more tips here...

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