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3 Common Blogging Mistakes

posted September 22, 2016

3 Common Blogging Mistakes

Rodney Washington

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You may have a website or a blog that was published when you first launched your business, but are you aware that it could literally be chasing away or turning off your customers instead of drawing them in?

In today's mobile foods business development article we will reveal the three most common mistakes mobile foods entrepreneurs make with their blog and three ways to check if yours is actually working against you:

Mistake #1 - Slow loading content. If you publish large image, audio or videos files that have not been optimized for the web it could take longer than customary to load your pages. It's critical to monitor this because in today's speed demon oriented society web surfers are extremely short on patience. If your content loads too slowly it's guaranteed that you'll lose a significant percentage of prospective visitors. *Remember, people can't buy what they can't find.

Mistake #2 - Confusing site navigation. When you fail to display clear navigational links site visitors will become frustrated. Most will opt not to continue exploring your site. If that happens you're missing a golden opportunity to connect with and hopefully establish a relationship with your ideal customer.

Mistake #3 - Making it difficult for visitors to contact with you. Do you bury your contact information in the back of your site? When you have new visitors coming to your blog site especially for the first time you need to make it easy for them to contact you when they are ready to do business with you. One way to fix this quickly is to publish your contact info in the upper right hand portion of your pages.

Bonus Tip: Consider adding your Twitter and/or Facebook feeds to your blog site. It's one of the quickest ways to keep visitors updated on your most current news and information.

Your Solution Is Here:

If you find that you're making any of the above most common mistakes don't lose heart, they are quite easy to correct. To help you get started in the next section you'll find three quick fixes to assure that your blog site becomes an inviting and user friendly destination.

Read more here!


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