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5 Tips for New & Emerging Artists

posted June 11, 2015

5 Tips for New & Emerging Artists

Carrie Lewis for Facebook Twitter More...


I've been an artist for a long time but I still remember what it was like to be young and enthusiastic. The world lay at my feet. The sky was the limit!


We didn't have the internet back then and I lived in a rural area. I didn't know where the nearest museum or gallery was, but that was okay, because I knew about horses and I knew about art and that was all I needed.



In the years since, I've learned that although passion is important, it's not the only thing an artist needs. . . and I learned my lessons the hard way, in the Academy of Trial and Error. So if you're where I was 40 years ago, I'd like to spare you some of those hard lessons, with 5 thoughts to help you on your artistic journey.


1. Try everything or stay focused?


The rule of thumb in the art world is to try everything, just to be well-rounded. If an artist is just starting out and doesn't know what he or she wants to do it or how he or she wants to do it, this is great advice. Try different methods and mediums until you find the right combination of subject, style, method, and material.


BUT. . .


If you know from an early age what you want to do (as I did) and if you know how you want to do it (as I did) then that "rule of thumb" is not only a distraction, it can even impede your artistic progress.


If you know exactly what you want from your artistic journey, then you're better off focusing on the things you want to paint, the tools you want to use, and the way you want to paint them. Learn everything you can about those things and practice, practice, practice.


It's all right to learn about other styles and other mediums, but your passion should be your focus. Become the absolute best at what you do, until you're the expert that you've always wanted to be.


2. Art school: yes or no?


Most occupations require some college-level training. No one would ever suggest a brain surgeon learn how to be a brain surgeon on their own! Even fewer would trust themselves to a self-taught brain surgeon.


Artistic endeavor doesn't always fall into that category, however. You can often learn by trial, observation, and reading, and (in today's modern era) instructional videos.




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by davidlee, posted June 20, 2015

great advice to beginner's and a great reminder to those who have been around for a time.
good writing.
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