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6 Ways to Influence Customers

posted November 19, 2015

6 Ways to Influence Customers

Carolyn Edlund

Do you know why your customers are buying from you? Is it your products - the style and quality of your handmade work? Look deeper and you will find that there are many other factors in making a sale that you can use in building your sales volume.

It's no secret that emotions are powerful factors that move people into action and cause them to make a purchase. To increase your sales, you must understand and appeal to them emotionally. There are many other artists and craftspeople out there with wonderful offerings.

Why will that customer choose you?

  1. Make them feel uniquely special. Smile and truly welcome your customer. Exchange pleasantries without going to a hard sell first. Your attitude must be one of friendly service and interest in them.
  2. Offer lots of information. Consumers look for trustworthy, knowledgeable individuals to educate them on a purchase. Trust is the most important factor leading to long-term relationships and repeat sales.

Read more!


by kdowling, posted November 19, 2015

It is so true that placing your product in their hands makes a big difference. I had several handmade dog carriers hanging in my booth and had gone to a few different shows without any sales. When I started taking them down and encouraging those interested to actually try their dog in the carrier, everyone sold! Made me a believer!.
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