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Art Blogging 101

posted April 24, 2013
Art Blogging 101: Think Locally / Regionally When Blogging About Art Brian Sherwin Facebook Twitter More...



The artists I've known over the years tend to share a desire -- they want to have a solid local or regional presence. In other words, they want to be recognized for their art within their community or surrounding community. In addition to that, they often desire to be a 'known name' within their local art community -- even if their art community is spread out between several towns/cities (which may very well be the case for an artist living in a small city or rural town). Establishing local / regional recognition can be an uphill battle no matter where you live. That said, many artists appear to forget that their art blog can help in the 'climb' -- even if it amounts to just one little step (connection) at a time.


Before I delve into this further I want to offer some clarification. This Art Blogging 101 article was written with small city / rural artists in mind -- and how they can benefit from local online searches for specific art-related venues/events in their area. Artists living in larger cities may be able to benefit from this strategy as well -- though it will be more difficult to achieve. Especially if the 'big city' in question happens to have a very active art community -- and thus a steady flow of online content about art news in general. Point blank -- the 'numbers' can work against 'big city' artists... you'll understand if you read further.


Read more!



by avbill, posted May 7, 2013

Yes very timely, What is the difference between using facebook as your blog or is it better to have a blog separate ?

I'm just learning about the internet and how to use it I use mailchimp announcing art show and galleries I'm in. I'm designing my web site to have a blog inside it.

What are the steps to success in your mind Brian?


by categ50, posted April 25, 2013

This a very timely article, with the craft show/art venues season starting. Very good advice that I will start using. I have also forwarded your article to artists in my group.
Thank you,
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