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Choose One

posted September 20, 2012
Choose One
by J. Michael Dolan

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We stand alone at this very moment right on the edge of an unknown future which is staring us right back in the face, waiting for us to make the next move. And at this instant there are only two choices:

1) Reach back in the past and cast out a huge safety net into the future, confidently confirming what we already know.

2) Step into the "unknown" and create something new, out of the endless field of all possibilities.

"The biggest obstacle to creativity, innovation and freedom is the false idea that "I know." - Anand

Most opt to reach back and repeat the past. Creating ORDINARY, again and again. It's safer, proven, time-tested, familiar and often very profitable. That's why music and art is so repetitive, and products and services are mostly copycats. And often, those who have plenty of "experience," those that think they "know" just fool themselves into thinking they're creating something new- but they're not. They're just refreshing the same screen over & over again.


Read more tips here!


by sreis, posted September 20, 2012

My pastor often teaches that, "If you want something you've never had before, you must do something you've never done before." Bishop P.D. Zink, New Life Christian Fellowship, Jacksonville, FL.
I see this concept clearly. It's so much easier to do things the old way as they are familiar, they have been tested. It's so much easier to operate in the usual Modus operandi. It is much more difficult to do something one's never done before. It's hard, it takes a lot of work; it takes mind power and diligence. But I look at big people who started out small - like Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas, or McDonald. They started small but dared to try something new. Then there was Edison, he made 1,000 or so light bulbs before one finally worked.
I choose to step out in faith and in my heart I know God will help me do what I set my hands to accomplish.
Be encouraged my friends, you never know until you try.
Suzanne Reis, Jacksonville Beach, FL.

by shanana4, posted September 20, 2012

These are amazing and inspiring truths. Thank you for sharing. The God who gave me a creative mind also gives me the tools to conquer the fears I have of stepping away from the norm. With this extraordinary encouragement today I feel ready to pick up those tools and get extraordinarily busy!
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