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Demographic Data: Crucial To Event Success

posted December 21, 2016

Demographic Data: Crucial To Event Success

The Writing Team of Looking Glass Strategic Research Consultants

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As the festival and event industry experiences continued growth, productions are being increasingly attended by a diverse range of attendees spanning many demographic characteristics. Whether a production is ticketed or non-ticketed, collecting and understanding attendee demographic data provides significant value to organizers in many ways.


Examples of demographic information include age, traveling party size, presence of family traveling parties, ethnicity, education level, home ownership, employment status, household income, and place of residence. Data is best collected by surveying attendees to gather response information. In order to provide a non-intrusive and positive experience for attendee survey respondents, well-designed questions must be asked at appropriate opportunities either during or after the production. The proper survey research approach is critical to the collection of accurate and reliable data.


Assembled demographic data provides insight into the best approaches for event marketing efforts. By segmenting your attendees through different demographic characteristics, target audience trends can be identified. The result is the ability to make informed decisions that most effectively allocate marketing budgets to reach specific media outlets and target audience(s). Additionally, repeated research over time can offer insight into emerging audiences, helping to identify opportunities for new marketing strategies and increased exposure. It is important to note that the demographics of your community do not necessarily reflect the demographics of your production. This is especially significant for regional and national productions attracting large segments of non-resident attendees.


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