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Flying Solo

posted October 22, 2013
Flying Solo J Michael Dolan Facebook Twitter More...



Having a job means you have the option to "wing it." Flying solo means you don't have that option.


Like it or not, if you're living the life of an independent artist or entrepreneur, you're alone at the helm. Oh sure, you may have a staff of assistants, band mates, collaborators, partners, a slew of advisors, a career consultant and a great coach, however the truth is, you're the architect of your enterprise, the CEO of your world, and the "Don" of your empire. And your personal support team could be terminated at the snap of a finger (yours!) because you alone make the big "risky" choices and the uncertain, frightening decisions in your life and career.


The life of an artist/trep is truly about self-motivation, self-dependence, self-discipline, self-confidence, and self-validation. As an independent, crazy, creative genius, only you can motivate yourself to get up in the morning and create something that matters. Then, at the end of the day, it's only you who truly knows what creative angst you've been through that day, what "inner" battles you've won or lost, who or what has challenged your efforts, and whether or not you surrendered to fear or resistance. At the end of the day, you rarely get an "atta boy" or a "you go girl," because when your muse has given everything she's got, it's really only you who can acknowledge yourself for not giving up and surrendering to the pettiness of others or the pressures of money-whether you have too much or too little.


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by dko, posted November 8, 2013

D.K. Operations is a new company with new ideas right out of Humboldt County, in the Foggy Redwood Coast of California! We now feature $10 pendants and $40 water pieces, as well as a wider selection of $10 and $15 pipes you can buy right from our Facebook page. Everything is Hand Blown & Infused with the Energy of Color!
Check us out & Share Us at
Thanks and have a beautiful day
D.K. Operations
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