5 Mandatory Tips for Emerging Artists
Eric Armusik for Fine Art Views
I really didn't have any support early on in my career and because of that, I promised myself that when I achieved some level of success I'd never refuse anyone who asked for help. The question I get asked the most is: what advice would you give to an artist just starting out?
Here are 5 mandatory tips for emerging artists.
1. Get a website.
Make it easy to remember, preferably your full name .com. If your name is common like a "John Smith" and the address was taken, then add "art" or "paintings" or something similar to that to the end of it. Make it EASY. You will have to use this address to attract people to your work every day of your life. Do not use some free service that doesn't allow you to have your own name. If you make ANY investment in your career monetarily, this is the one to make. Social media is not the sole answer to a thriving art career. You need a good website with a portfolio and content to establish a presence online and to have your site found on Google.
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