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Getting Past the Gatekeepers

posted March 16, 2017

Getting Past the Gatekeepers

by Ari Herstad

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I desperately wanted to get my song "Last Day" on Grey's Anatomy because I thought it was just perfect for the show. So I researched who the music supervision company for the show was and discovered they had a blog. I read up on the blog and found that one of the music supervisors in the office wanted some Samoas Girl Scout cookies and couldn't find any. I quickly went out and bought some and sent her a package of Samoas (Carmel Delights) along with my CD and a handwritten note with my email address included.



I didn't follow up, SHE ACTUALLY CONTACTED ME and thanked me for the cookies and said she'd try to place a song. She hasn't, but I've developed a cordial email relationship and she always replies to my emails now.



Read more here!

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