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How to Engage Your Art Website Visitors

posted May 23, 2013
How to Engage Your Art Website Visitors Carolyn Edlund of Facebook Twitter More...




Getting website traffic is step one. Now, keep those visitors in the loop and coming back. Here are a few tips on increasing engagement with visitors to your art website:


"9 Knots" by artist Manon Sander


1. Make your Home page inviting with a compelling image of your work and a professional design.Be sure that your website is easily navigated. Frustrated visitors will just click away.


2. Craft your "About" page carefully, because it's not all about you, it's also about your website visitor.To keep them reading you need to create "emotional resonance." Tell your story in an authentic, personal way, in the first person. Include your photo so they feel that they know you. Don't get caught up in unintelligible artist statements that no one can decipher.


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