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How to Get More Fans to Your Gigs

posted February 12, 2015

How to Get More Fans to Your Gigs

Tom Hess Facebook Twitter



positive attitude


Are you frustrated because you aren't getting as many people to come to your gigs as you want? Getting 'new' people to come to your gigs is not even the main challenge, even most of your own friends and fans usually won't come to your gigs regularly. This fact makes it harder to get bigger and better gigs that pay more money.


If your band plays 25 gigs this year, how many of your friends/fans will come to see more than 4 of these? A very small percentage. Why?


It's not you, it's them. Let's find out how and what you can do about it.


If you ask your friends/fans to come to your next gig, what are you REALLY asking them to do? Are you asking them to listen and watch you perform your songs? Not really.


In reality, you are really asking people to travel all the way to some unclean club where they need to pay to get in the door. Then they will be surrounded by intoxicated people who yell in their ears because the music is too loud to talk, pay for overpriced drinks, stand through an opening band they probably have little or no interest in, then wait again an additional 15 minutes while the stage changes from one band to the next, then finally they get to stand through 90 minutes of your band's cool songs in a room that is booming with muddy bass frequencies because the sound man does not know how to properly mix bands in a room that was never acoustically designed to have loud music played in. After the gig they leave the club and drive home with their ears ringing and a bad headache.



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