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How to Know, is the Gig Worth It?

posted November 21, 2017

Should You Take the Gig or Pass?
Ari Herstand for

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Remember, nothing in the music industry is black and white. Not streaming. Not pirating music. Not playing gigs for free. Is that ever ok? Short answer is yes. Should bands take non-paid gigs? Short answer is maybe. But nothing in the music industry can accurately be answered with a short answer. Use this guide to help you decide if the gig is right for you:

For Paying Gigs:
Don't take a gig unless it meets The Perfect 30 Test:
Payment = 10. Career building = 10. Enjoyment = 10.

You don't want to play any shows for less than a total of 15 on the scale. If the payment is incredible (10), but there will be very little career building potential (3) or enjoyment (2), that equals 15. If there is decent payment (5), but will bring great enjoyment (9), but little career building potential (1), that also equals a 15. Take these shows. The shows you shouldn't take are the ones for little to no payment (1), very little career building potential (3) and very little enjoyment (3) = 7 total. Pass!

For Non Paying Gigs:
There are a few instances when these are no brainers:

For Charity or A Worthy Cause: If you believe in the cause or the organization, then absolutely contribute your services. Your "normal fee" can sometimes be a tax deductible donation for certain organizations. Always ask the org.

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