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Blog - Artist Resources


How to set up for an Art/Craft Show- Checklist

posted May 2, 2012   category » Artist Resources
How to set up for an Art/Craft Show- Checklist

How to set up for an Art/Craft Show- Checklist
Victoria Case



There's nothing worse than setting up a great booth, and right before show time, realize there's something you have forgotten. So, I created a checklist for myself which I recommend to anyone planning to attend an event. Of course, depending on what you sell, yours will have other items to add.

My list begins with money and promotion (after all, that's what it's all about). I usually bring $100 worth of bills/change in a small box or "fanny pack". And the following items:

  • receipt book
  • business cards (don't forget to advertise your website!)
  • large sign with name and/or logo
  • easel for large sign
  • two lined paper pads for writing orders, names, phone numbers
  • several pens
  • calculator
  • bags for items sold (with a business card inside each one)

Next is my display(some items are adjusted for indoor or outdoor shows)

  • 10 x 10 tent (I recommend a white tent)
  • buckets with sand for weight
  • pre-formed concrete-filled buckets for tent poles (especially useful when setting up on asphalt)
  • safety pins (for anything)
  • large white sheet/material for sun protection pinned to tent's back wall or sidewall (if needed)
  • display tables
  • material to cover display tables
  • small broom/dust pan
  • several garbage bags
  • Windex and other cleaners (jewelry, wood, etc.)
  • card racks or picture holders (mannequins, boxes, items used to hold your crafts for sale)
  • display signs with item categories and prices
  • tape (for anything)



Art/Craft work for sale

  • Art/Craft items for sale and extra inventory to replace all the items you sell Big smile
  • extra price tags
  • extra material and tools used to make your products

Misc Items

  • cooler with water, snacks
  • paper towels
  • moist wipes
  • tissues
  • hair scrunches or hat (for outdoors)
  • sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm (for outdoors)
  • gum or mints
  • chair-in-a-bag: one that folds and comes with it's own bag (Walmart has these pretty inexpensive)
  • money for lunch if you can buy it at the show, otherwise pack a lunch

I recommend

  • no radio or music of any kind (unless you're selling it) should be played at a show
  • cell phone calls down to a minimum- talk to your potential customers
  • gas up the vehicle, you will use, the night before the show
  • create a t-shirt with your logo and name for added marketing
  • wear comfortable clothes for sitting and comfy shoes for standing
  • check with the shows director (if you are alone) to see if someone will be available to watch your booth during the show for the inevitable bathroom run or lunch break.


This is just a basic list of items. In the beginning, the hardest part for me, was squooshing all of this in to a mid-size car! But, it's all about the fun, the chances taken and the whole experience. Smile, laugh and by all means, have fun!


About the Author: Victoria Case is a "made to order" artist creating hand-drawn greeting cards, funny character prints, gallery work, and more using ideas of her own or customized and personalized ideas of her customers.


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