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Ideas and Inspiration

posted September 10, 2014

Ideas and Inspiration

Claire Lincoln for Make It University

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Finding Inspiration in Old Craft Books

Inspiration is all around us. It is easy to believe that when everything we see and everyone we meet seems to trigger some new and exciting creative idea, so that, as dedicated crafters, we can scarcely wait to hurry back to our homes, studios or workshops to make a start on our latest project. However, sometimes the ideas just don't seem to flow quite so easily. Or perhaps they just feel a little too much like the ideas that everyone else seems to have and you wish you could come up with something new and different. There could be any number of reasons behind a lack of inspiration. Perhaps we are feeling stressed or there is some problem troubling us. In such cases, even simple things like a few yoga stretches or coffee with a good friend could be enough to help life start to appear less overwhelming and may even help us to tap into our well of inspiration once again. Sometimes, however, that well of inspiration just seems to be dry for no obvious reason. It could simply be that we have not exposed ourselves to enough new and exciting ideas for a while. New ideas do not have to be truly new, of course-sometimes the most exciting ideas are really quite old but have been given a new twist to bring them up to date. One of the wonderful things about crafting is that there is a wealth of ideas tucked away in old craft books and magazines-just waiting to be discovered and given a fresh lease of life!

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