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Blog - Event Promoter Tips


Important Qualities of an Effective Event Producer

posted December 7, 2021   category » Event Promoter Tips
Important Qualities of an Effective Event Producer

How do you become the best manager for a successful event? According to research, the most desired quality in prospective managers is a good personality. Surprisingly, an individual is more likely to be hired based on their character rather than their skill set. The specific personality traits that topped the list were drive, creativity, and open-mindedness.

So how can you take this knowledge to improve your event management skills? See the list below for a list of the top 5 qualities that make up a sussessful event manager.



Topping the list at 14%, drive is the most sought-after character trait in event managers. When creating successful events, it is crucial that the event manager is passionate, excited, and has a positive outlook on the goal. Keep in mind that this excitement must be present from the early stages all the way through the grand finale. If you are lacking drive, consider the following points:

Get to the root of the problem

You can start by asking yourself a few of the following questions: Were you ever passionate about your event or previous events? When did you lose excitement about your event? What causes could have contributed to your pessimism?

Dissect the Problem

Take notes on the parts you are excited and not excited about. By taking notes, you will be able to better understand the root of your problems. This can help identify which problems are mood-based and which are realistic contributors.

Find new significance

It is natural for interests to fade with time. Try to relate your event to a new, exciting meaning in your life.


One of the most challenging (and rewarding) tasks of events and management is being able to meet all the needs of your event. With these requirements, an event manager must be able to use all event management tools available like an event website or an event app. These are great tools to get your attendees involved, sell event tickets, and gather data with every website visitor. Additionally, thinking outside the box with creativity is a supplemental personality trait. Creative individuals have a strengthened ability to think of alternative means to an end. Below is a list of actions really resourceful people do:

  • Bend the rules

  • Adapt to new environments

  • Apply other experiences

  • Identify the common goal

  • Ask for exactly what they need


One of the many challenges with event management is the inability to make 100% accurate predictions. For example, you may plan on having the event at a popular location downtown. Your plans remain the same until a storm hits and wipes the entire city of all electricity the night before your event. How are you going to react? Being versatile under many often stressful circumstances is a learned trait. Below are a few suggestions to become more adaptable as an event manager.

 Time Management

It will be easier to deal with unplanned changes when there is extra time planned.

 Have an alternative plan

Though the example above is quite drastic, it definitely has happened. In the early planning phases, account for any potential mishaps. If it occurs that there is a change of plans, you will be better prepared if you have a backup plan.


Sometimes an unexpected event occurs right when you need it. It is almost inherent to try and resolve the problem immediately. Before you take immediate action, take the necessary time to evaluate your circumstance.


In events, it is especially important that the expectations are communicated clearly. In a study conducted on time spent in communication, researchers found that 40% was spent listening, 35% was speaking, and 25% was reading and writing. So how do we use this knowledge to strengthen our own skills for the next event to communicate with other event planners, event organizers, and your target audience? Below is a list of tools to strengthen each component of communication as an event manager.


To become a better listener, the key is simple: focus more on what the person is saying rather than thinking of your response.


One of the main goals when speaking is engaging your audience at the start. As an event manager, it is important to be able to clearly speak about the various components of the event. Additionally, you will need to leverage this skill for event promotion.

 Reading and Writing

As an event manager, reading and writing are especially important when communicating contractual information. You will want to make sure each point in a contract is clearly written and understandable for each part. 


Event planning is similar to juggling. You have many moving parts moving in multiple locations all at the same time. If you aren't organized with your thoughts and actions, it is easy to drop the ball and thus lose track of an important component. As the head of the event, managers need to have control of the people, actions, and objects involved in the execution of the event. And always remember to set event goals to evaluate your success!

Ultimately, if you are a team player and work with integrity, you will be able to achieve success as an event manager. Keep these event management best practices in mind for future events.


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Article:katie christianson of HelloEndless.
image:slim emcee


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