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License Your Music

posted March 20, 2013
License Your Music to Movies and Television Shows

David Codr of

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If you are like me, you're tired of hearing how bad the economy is. But there's a silver lining to the bad economy for musicians and songwriters. A way to get paid while getting a ton of free exposure for your band.

For years, motion pictures and television shows have paid big bucks to major label artists to license their music. These studios pay major label acts tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to license their songs to use in films and TV shows.

But when the economy hit the proverbial crapper, many of the studios started to look for ways to cut their costs. They quickly realized that they could save thousands of dollars by using independent music instead of the songs from major label acts.

Since independent artists don't have the CD sales, radio plays or name recognition of the majors, the studios found they could license great music that hadn't gone mainstream for $2,000 - $10,000 a track

Its a win-win for everyone. The studios save hundreds of thousands of dollars. The independent artists are happy to get a few grand to use their song, plus they get the exposure of having their song in a major motion picture or television show.

Read more here!


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