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Outdoor Event Tips

posted May 24, 2013
Outdoor Event Tips
the Writing Team of
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The spring and summer seasons are the busiest times of the year for us, and hopefully for you too. Warm weather blankets the entire country and everyone wants to be outdoors in the sun and fresh air.


This makes a perfect setting for an outdoor event. But, be forewarned, an outdoor event can easily be twice as difficult to organize as an indoor one. And, don't assume an outdoor event will cost less to produce than an indoor one. That is rarely the case.


Based on our experience and the feedback we get from clients, here are our top tips to help assure a successful outdoor event:


1. Plan ahead, plan way ahead.


The first step once you have decided on a date and location is to obtain a permit. Make sure you're legal. Nothing will shut you down quicker, and at the worst possible moment, than omitting this step.


Read more tips on outdoor events!



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