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Promoting: If they don't know, they won't come.

posted February 23, 2012
Promoting: If they don't know, they won't come.

Promoting: If they don't know, they won't come.

Larry Ward


Organizers of even the most successful events cannot afford to sit back and hope that crowds will continue to show up year after year. The results of inaction could result in no crowd at all. To avoid this disaster, appoint a Publicity/Promotion committee and make certain that its members develop an effective promotional strategy early in the planning process.


Remember, you are not selling a product; you are selling the benefits of the product. The benefit you are selling is entertainment! A festival is essentially show business. Consider these benefits as part of the entertainment package when creating the image for your festival:

  • Excitement, fun, happiness
  • Relaxation
  • Social interaction
  • Prestige, ego satisfaction
  • Education

Members of the publicity committee need to be aware of the following concerns:

    1. Much of what is promoted - entertainment, for example - will be arranged by other committees. Therefore the publicity people must have a good working relationship with everybody helping with the festival.
    2. With so much to do, timing will be critical in many instances. Establish a timeline.
    3. Be sure local and regional people whom the media are likely to contact for what is going on know exact times, dates, and your media contact's name and telephone number.
    4. Supply the local tourism sector (motels, service stations, restaurants) with printed maps and schedules so they know times and directions to events and can pass that information on to their customers and guests.

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