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Security Management in Events

posted October 21, 2015

Security Management in Events

The Writing Team of

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1. Fire

In case of fire at the event venue, use fire extinguishers to
 put out the fire. In the mean time take everyone out of the venue safely. Develop a separate emergency exit plan for this. If fire is uncontrollable then call the fire brigade.

Follow fire code and safety regulations to prevent the fire as specified below:

  1. Don't place any combustible or inflammable material in the venue esp. near green rooms, guest rooms or seating area.
  2. All materials including prop must be properly treated with fire retardant solution.
  3. Make sure that the entrance and exit ways are not blocked by any material or by any means.
  4. Make sure that the event venue must have separate entrance and exit ways, fire alarm system and fire extinguishers.
  5. Use only those electrical equipments which are branded and which use three core wires.
  6. At least one doctor with first aid box along with the ambulance must be there at the venue to handle medical emergency.
  7. Your staff must be well trained about giving first aid like CPR and must be able to handle fire extinguishers and crowd in case of fire.

2. Power Failure

If you are organizing event at a place where power failure is common, then you should have adequate power backup.

In case of a power failure, switch on the emergency lights and then turn on the generators. If you have a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) system, then it is the best. If you can't arrange such types of power backups, then at least you should have flashlight or candles.

Create a separate emergency plan to handle crowd and guests in case of a power failure.

Read more here!


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