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Should You Change your Name for the Sake of Art?

posted September 18, 2013
Should You Change your Name for the Sake of Art? Todd McPhetridge for Artsy Shark Facebook Twitter More...



Maybe your name has more consonants than words from the U.S. Spelling Bee. Or let's say you have a thriving career, and don't want professional contacts to know how much time you spend on your passion. Perhaps your name is John Doe. Whatever the reason, a lot of emerging artists consider working under a pseudonym. Been there and done that, boy was it fun.. not. Here's the real scoop on what to think about before using a snazzier name for your art.


Paradise Haze by Todd McPhetridge


My given name is Todd McPhetridge. A little bit lengthy, and surprisingly easy to mispronounce (the 'Ph' makes a "Feh" sound, by the way.. as in MC FEH TRIDGE). I've been called every name in the book, from Mctheridge to Muppetridge and everything in between. As an online marketing consultant, I know that in the web-O-sphere, keeping it short and sweet is often the ideal. Pretty sure nobody got rich off


When I wanted to market my art, I thought it made a lot of sense to give myself a pseudonym for that work. My art needed a simpler name. Easier to find online.. you know something more "marketable" I approached constructing my pseudonym like some major brands test market their new consumer product. Ahem.. meet Todd Ridge. Snazzy huh?


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by ladarlene, posted September 19, 2013

Up to last year, I signed my art and worked under my "real" name. Once I got married, however, I kept the last name I'd been using for my business (and how I signed my art), so as to separate business from personal.

by queentut, posted September 18, 2013

I can identify - my last name is Tutt and it has been mangled to Tuft, Tatt and Tate. The worst one was getting a statement FROM THE IRS addressed to Mrs. TWIT. Excuuuuuse me??!!
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