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The Pursuit Of The Record Deal

posted October 15, 2015

The Pursuit Of The Record Deal

Tom Hess Facebook Twitter


play more music Do you want a successful, stable and rewarding music career as a professional musician? Would you like to know exactly what record labels, music producers, and artist management companies are looking for when seeking out new artists? There are many great musicians who are not able to build a successful career in music because they do not know what it is these music companies want from them. As a result, many struggle and wonder why they are unable to "make it in the music business" even though they may be incredible musicians with great songs. What usually happens is that musicians start to believe the common myth about 'luck'. They believe that you need to "get lucky" in order to "make it in the music industry." The result is that most musicians give up on their dreams and get a normal (non music related) day job.


Because you are reading this article, I can imagine that you have probably faced similar challenges. I know how you feel, because I went through the same depressing struggle for years and have seen hundreds of great musicians travel along the same path. But over time, I have discovered that in many cases the lack of success is caused by the musicians (including myself in the past) simply not knowing what music industry companies want from new bands and artists.


Read more here!


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