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Blog - covid-19


Tips For Staying Safe at Festivals in 2021

posted January 4, 2021   category » covid-19
Tips For Staying Safe at Festivals in 2021

It’s been a long time since we welcomed hordes of people to our tents at festivals & craft shows. In the time since Covid-19 burst on the scene, many things have changed.  We’re a lot more cautious now, as well we should be. And the thought of facing all those large groups of people again is exhilarating, but scary, too.

Are you hoping to get back into the festival scene in 2021? If so, there are some precautions you can take to stay safe.

Encourage the use of face masks.

Wear a mask yourself, and insist that anyone working your booth with you do the same. Make sure that anyone who works with you understands the proper wearing, removal, and care of masks. Do what you can leading up to the event to notify your public that masks will be required in your tent, so that they won’t be taken by surprise. The CDC recommends that masks are your best protection in large crowds where social distancing might not be possible.

Use Physical Markers to Enforce Distancing

Physical markers can serve to remind people to remain six feet apart. Space out any chairs for sitting, and put tape on the ground to show people where to stand when they’re viewing your exhibit or waiting in line. You can also use tape to indicate where the entrance and exit is to reduce overcrowding in these areas. Put up signs in visible locations to remind visitors about social distancing, handwashing, and masks. You might even consider putting up signs in large print or Braille so everyone can read them.

Wash your hands frequently.

Do what you can to encourage your visitors to wash their hands as frequently as possible. If it’s not possible for them to readily access a sink with soap and water for handwashing, make hand sanitizer available to them. Anyone who collects tickets or picks up garbage should wash their hands afterwards with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If you need to use hand sanitizer instead, just make sure that it’s at least 60% alcohol and you rub your hands dry afterward.

Ensure proper ventilation and airflow.

Outdoor craft shows are less risky, because air is constantly moving, dispersing the airborne droplets that spread the virus. If you’re indoors, make sure the space has adequate ventilation. Outdoor air should be circulated as much as possible. If you’re using a fan, just make sure that it doesn’t blow directly from one person to another, as this can spread viruses. If you’re in a tent, put all the sides up if weather permits to maximize airflow.

Use touchless payments if possible.

Not only does this cut out the danger and inconvenience of handling cash, but it makes transactions quicker and lines shorter. And the encryption technology helps protect you from fraud. Check out Square or PayPal for contact-free payment options. You will find that most of your customers will be relieved to have this option for payment. Increasingly, consumers are rebelling against the idea of carrying cash around.


It’s a personal decision as to whether you’re ready to take on the craft show scene again. But rest assured that taking a few precautions can go a long way towards keeping you safe.


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