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Blog - Craft Fair Vendor Resources


Top 5 Things to Do Now to Prepare For Craft Shows In the Spring

posted December 16, 2020   category » Craft Fair Vendor Resources
Top 5 Things to Do Now to Prepare For Craft Shows In the Spring

What’s the best thing about winter if you’re a crafter?

Preparing for spring craft shows, of course.

And Spring 2021 will be a season like no other.

With a COVID vaccine at last on its way, the long dark winter of social distancing seems poised to come to an end. And that’s great news for crafters and for all those who love crafting events and shows.

Here are a few pointers to help you prepare for the spring 2021 craft show season.

Keep Up Your Virtual Game

Fingers crossed that the Covid-19 period of history draws to a close very soon.

Even so, many of your customers will still be cautious.

For these folks, maintaining a strong online presence is key.

Fortunately, we have all had plenty of practice during 2020. Now you can get even more creative.

Consider posting a virtual craft show on Facebook Live. You can also ship kits of materials to prepare for a video tutorial on your website or social media page.

Do Your Homework

We know you already get this, but it’s more important than ever to read up thoroughly on craft shows and events that you attend as a vendor.

Besides the usual concerns about space, cost and time, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with any new rules established at the venue in the wake of Covid-19.

Sanitation and social distancing protocols are major concerns in the post-Covid era, and you’ll want to be well-prepared for these so they don’t take you by surprise.

Make Visitors Feel Safe

It’s been a long time since we mingled in close quarters at a craft show, and your customers are bound to feel a bit skittish.

Put them at ease by offering masks and hand sanitizer and limiting the number of people visiting your tent.

Give Special Attention To Your Display

The display at the entrance of your space has always been an essential component of success, and that’s even more true in 2021.

If you have to put a limit on the number of people who enter, they should still be able to get a good view of what you offer just from standing outside.

Try to set up your area so that as much merchandise as possible can be viewed from outside your tent.

Offer Unique Products For Unique Times

As a crafter, you are creative by nature, and never has that quality been more important.

Put your creativity to work in consideration of the ways people's lives have changed.

Can you create any items to make a home office space feel safe and cozy? How about gifts especially for frontline workers, or memorial items for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one? And don’t forget our pets; as we spend more time at home, items geared to pet owners are more appealing than ever.

And of course, cleaning products, hand sanitizer, and fun cloth face coverings are bound to be popular for a while yet.

Are you ready to conquer the post-Covid world of craft shows?

With a little caution and creativity, you’ll be able to take your craft show game to a whole new level in the spring of 2021.



by crideout, posted January 5, 2021

I really enjoy selling my jewelry at craft fairs. Thank you for giving us a positive outlook for future opportunities.
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