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What Event Directors Need to Know About Insurance

posted February 12, 2015

What Event Directors Need to Know About Insurance

This article was provided by the team at ACT Insurance
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Planning and organizing an event is never easy. There are so many contingencies that can happen and hundreds of different things to arrange. The preparation can be daunting and stressful, but there are ways that event directors, and the artists and vendors who sell their products at your show, can mitigate not only the stress, but also some of the risks associated with putting on and selling at events.


Having insurance is a great way to relieve worry and stress. Think about it: Most people don't drive their cars around without having auto insurance because if they were to cause an accident, the expenses could be more than they could afford on their own. The same goes with event insurance. And with dozens (and possibly even hundreds) of different artists and vendors attending the event, the risk that something can go wrong increases.


Promoting events



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