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Free Membership Registration


FestivalNet Free e-lists Sign Up

Detailed Festival DATA on 26,000+ events seeking what you have to offer!
  • Includes 5-item online store
  • Membership is FREE and never expires!
  • Get added to FN Community
  • Tell Us
    About Yourself

  • You are FN member now

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Weekly Calls for Artists and Event Updates & Additions

Paid Call for Artist ads, See Sample Here

Bi-monthly deadlines reminder

Upcoming Deadlines Email which will link to all events in your state

Member Updates, Info, Announcements

Sent Very Occasionally, these informative emails will consider your member type: basic, pro, or promoter, as needed. Highly recommend all members subscribe to this to not miss out on crucial changes or updates

Select Sendings

Custom Solicitations Targeting Specific States + Business Categories which will include business opportunities or targeted Call for Artists. Be sure your categories are correct here. These are sent very seldomly and will be curated for you.

Member Surveys

Sent very rarely when we need member feedback

FN Coupons

Membership and Event Promotion Sales Go out once or twice a year

for Artists/Crafters
for Commercial/Food Vendors
for Event Planners and Promoters
for Marketplace Sellers
for Musicians

*Fields with asterisk are required.

Note: We respect your privacy and do NOT share your information.
This is NOT a show application. You must apply to each event individually.

Check if you can send/receive text messages and agree to texts about your FestivalNet account.
Click to view a Sample Event of what Pro members get.
What is your involvement with the festivals & events market? You can select additional categories later, if more than one applies to you. Please select your main category now.
Select the number of years you have been working in the festival market.
Currently it is too early too renew. Please choose upgrade if you want to change to higher membership level.
You do not have enough time left on your membership to upgrade.
Please select "Renewal" and you can choose the new level you want.
You already have highest possible membership level.
Please select "Renewal" if you are at the end of membership period.
Currently, upgrade is not an option with a short term membership.
Although, you can renew at a higher level to access the benefits of that level.
Use this form to upgrade or renew your Pro Membership and select your FestivalNet Marketplace Shop plan.
For your convenience, your membership will renew on its own. We will notify you via email one week prior to charging you.
Click here to update your credit card info.
Monthly fee is prorated for the remainder of the days in the current month.
The fee for next month is also added if your order date is the 11th or later.