IMPORTANT: Our support staff is based in Asheville, NC and has no Internet. Water and electricity are not back on in most residences. We have one staff person using their hot spot to clear emails once a day. Please expect delays if you leave voicemail. Email is preferred. Red Cross Hurricane Relief
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Festivals in Paola, KS.
Boat Auto Camping Shows

Featured Events

October 12 - 13, 2024

(913) 837-0617
Linn County Fairgrounds - Mound City, KS

We now have over 400 booths displaying all types of hand-crafted items with exhibitors coming from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Colorado and as far as California to join Kansas exhibitors of crafts and art work. All art and crafts must be handmade! Throughout the weekend, visitors come to shop for craft and art work as well as to eat the taste tempting foods which are supplied by Linn County food vendors.

November 9, 2024

(620) 725-5600
Independence 4H building - Independence, KS

Arts, crafts, embroidery, and quilting items and supplies for sale.

April 12, 2025

(620) 725-5600
Independence 4H building - Independence, KS

Arts, crafts, embroidery, and quilting items and supplies for sale.

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Events in Paola, KS — upcoming

June 14, 2025

Heartland Antique Car Show

Peoria & Silver Streets, Paola, KS

Status: Updated 9/10/2024

A Boat Auto Camping Show organized by Paola Chamber of Commerce.
This Kansas Boat Auto Camping Show will have antique/collectibles, commercial/retail and crafts exhibitors, and 6 food booths. There will be 1 stage with Local talent and the hours will be Sat 10am-4:30pm.
Paola Roots Festival
August 2025 (dates not updated)

Paola Roots Festival

Park Square, Paola, KS

Status: Updated 3/12/2024

A Roots Music Festival organized by Paola Roots Festival.
This Kansas Roots Music Festival will have commercial/retail, fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and 10 food booths. There will be 1 stage with National, Regional and Local talent and the hours will be Fri 3pm-11:30pm, Sat 9am-11:30pm. Admission tickets are $20 - $35.