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Festivals in Elk City, OK.
Home and Garden Shows

Featured Events

April 26 - 27, 2025

(810) 348-9348
Oklahoma City Fairgrounds-Bennett Pavilion - Oklahoma City, OK

This is a multi-vendor sales event with approx. 900 vendors, activities throughout both days of the show featuring commercial sales/services, 501c3, direct sales, retail/wholesale, artists and arts and crafts. There will be prize giveaways at the show both day, exhibitions both days and there is a horse show at the fairgrounds which draws 500,000+ customers to the fairgrounds that weekend.

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Events in Elk City, OK — upcoming

Southwest Farm and Home Expo
April 2025 (dates not updated)

Southwest Farm and Home Expo

Elk City Convention Center, Elk City, OK

Status: Updated 1/3/2024

A Home and Garden Show organized by Elk City Chamber of Commerce.
This Oklahoma Home and Garden Show will have commercial/retail, corp./information and crafts exhibitors, and no food booths.
Elk City Fall Festival
September 2025 (dates not updated)

Elk City Fall Festival

Convention Center, Elk City, OK

Status: Updated 7/17/2024

A Festival organized by Elk City Chamber of Commerce.
This Oklahoma Festival will have antique/collectibles, commercial/retail, crafts, fine art and fine craft exhibitors, and 10 food booths.
Western Oklahoma Historical Society Flea Market
October 2025 (dates not updated)

Western Oklahoma Historical Society Flea Market

Ackley Park, Elk City, OK

Status: Updated 8/9/2024

A Flea Market organized by Elk City Chamber of Commerce.
This Oklahoma Flea Market will have antique/collectibles, crafts and flea market exhibitors, and tba food booths.