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Rook Customs Design

4106 N. Frankford Avenue - Lubbock, TX 79416

Ashley Lemer   (806) 999-0987
Commercial Vendor, Retailer, Designer
apparel, graphic design, merchandise

Artistic Dreamers

3015 54th Street - Lubbock, TX 79241

Edrie Marricle   (806) 983-8446
We make a design all of our stuff. We have stainless steel jewelry, painted canvas, we design our own T-Shirts, we design our own pendants as well, and hand make our Dream Catchers.

Lularoe by Chelsea Andersen

2114 28th Street - Lubbock, TX 79411

Chelsea Andersen   (303) 875-0635
LuLaRoe is fashion that is comfortable, affordable, and unique!

Just By Chance Jewelry

5522 99th Street - Lubbock, TX 79424

Erica Gardner   (806) 441-5847
Just By Chance Jewelry C/O Erica Gardner 5522 99th Street Lubbock, Texas 79424

Scentsy Independent Consultant, Lubbock TX

4901 57th - Lubbock, TX 79414

Becky Buchanan   (806) 773-5263
Scentsy Wickless Candles provides your home with the safety of a flameless candle but at the same time fills your home with a wonderful aroma. Choose from over 80 specially formulated waxes and many beautiful warmers that w… read more

Candles AND Gifts ETC

5505 91st Street - Lubbock, TX 79424

Keim Melton   (806) 437-4797
Retailer, Commercial Vendor
Aroma Beads,smelly jellies, other aroma products, gift baskets, home decor, gifts, Texas Tech jewelry, costume jewelry. Online orders and special orders welcome. We make our own scented oils, scented lotions, air freshener… read more

Angelic Candles

1818 Ave. M - Lubbock, TX 79401

Ashley   (806) 744-3259

Angelic Candles Heart Of Texas

5102 60th Ste. I - Lubbock, TX 79414

Crystal Gilster   (806) 793-8830