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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.
Why buy Web Advertising?  Here’s why:
---Today up to 80% of the North American population is now online*---
In today's world festival goers & exhibitors Start Out Online!

Why advertise with FestivalNet?  Because we're the #1 online festival & event source.

FestivalNet receives 1,300,000+ visitors and over 70 million page views every month!
All visitors to FestivalNet are looking for festivals and events!

Below is a side by side comparison of examples of traditional print ads and an FestivalnNet Web Ad.
(these are generic examples of possible print ads available in the market place)

FN Featured Event Ad Quarter­ly Guide ex­ample Monthly Guide ex­ample Daily News
Ad Cost $90.00 $60.00 $100.00 $85.00
Exposure/​Circulation 1,300,000/​month 2,000/​issue 7,000/​issue 75,000/​day
Time Frame 1-12 months 3 months 1 month 1 day
Total Potential Exposure 5,400,000 2,000 7,000 75,000
Your Exposure Cost Per Viewer $.00001 $.03 $.014 $.0011
Targeted Viewers Yes yes yes no
Direct access to More info Yes no no no
Local Exposure Yes yes yes yes
National Exposure Yes no no no
Monthly Report of Ad Views Yes no no no
Monthly Report of Ad Actions Yes no no no

*Usage stats provided by

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