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The Crown Jewels - a Tribute to Queen, Minneapolis, MN

Member Since: June 4, 2015
Festival biz experience: 19+ years
Minneapolis, Minnesota

“The Crown Jewels - A Tribute to Queen” are an outstanding replication of one of the greatest rock bands of all time, QUEEN.   Hailing from Minneapolis, this LIVE TRIBUTE (no backing instrumental or vocal tracks) performs all the greatest hits, arena anthems, and top ten singles that made Queen one of the most legendary rock bands of all time.  The Crown Jewels succeed in blending the vocal layering and studio precision Queen was known for with the grand scope of Queen's live shows by recreating both musically and visually, with elaborate lighting effects, costumes, and staging detail, the live “Queen” experience that filled stadiums around the world.

Band, Musician, Performer
Live queen tribute show www mnqueentribute com
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