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Blog - Crafting

Shrympeworks LLC, Indianapolis, IN

Thanks Hurricane Harvey!

posted September 1, 2017   category » Crafting
First, let me say I'm blessed.  God allowed me and my husband, Willie, to leave Houston, Texas before Hurricane Harvey's wrath tried to wipe the city off the world map.  My prayers each day include requests for grace and mercy for my friends and everyone now living through the devastation left in it's wake.  I cry while watching news reports ... all the devastation, the children in shock, the families desperately holding onto one another.  Now is the time to say "I love you".  You might not get the chance tomorrow.  My pastor, Rev. E.A. Deckard says each day is a gift from God.  I am prayfully thankful for the gift.  You should be, too -- no matter where you are, who you are with, or what your circumstances are right now.

Thank you, Hurricane Harvey,  for reminding me of how much I love and respect my husband.  After 35 years together, through ALL the good times, as well as the bad and horrendous ones, we are still here facing life together.  We are not on the same journey in every aspect, but those avenues we travel together are the most important ones.  Growing older with him is an adventure.   There are and will be more joys to enjoy together.   There are more obstacles to share,  cry over (me), and ultimately climb over victorious.

Thank you, Hurricane Harvey, for reminding me that there is good in almost every soul.  I watched news reports of strangers helping strangers.  People who didn't have to jeopardize their own lives answered a call for action throughout the devastated region.  The small kindness of a young boy treading through waist-high flood waters to check on an elderly neighbor.  What he may lack in physical size is far outweighed by the size of his heart and courage.  The police officer who gave his life in rushing waters because he had "to get to work".  It's the little acts of kindness and courage in the face of adversity that shows we are one people, made in the image of God.

Thank you, Hurricane Harvey, for reminding me that all the material possesions in and of this world doesn't mean anything without someone to share it.  Whether you had a little or a lot, as long as the family and friends you love are safe, this disaster, like everything else, shall too pass.  That car underwater... replaceable.   The dining room table around which family and friends gathered, through good and bad times ... replaceable.   The house,  regardless of size or monetary value, where you raised your family with love ... replaceable.  The Nikes, Pumas, designer and no-name handbags ... replaceable.  Yes, I may have lost the materials I use and need for my small crafts business but in time it all may be replaced.  My friends in Houston are safe and on the road to recovery.  My friends and other lives throughout the region ... NOT REPLACEABLE. 

Thank you, Hurricane Harvey, for reminding me that God is still in control.  Whether you believe this hurricane is due to Mother Nature gone rogue,  climate change, or any scientific or non-scientific reason, know that at the end of the day God has the final say.   God's gift of a new day, every day, says the past is behind me, deal with my present reality, and don't worry about my future.  God allowed me to travel safely while keeping His fingers of protection around the ones I love in Houston.  Politicians, city and state governments, congressional representatives couldn't stop you, Harvey.  The power and the might belongs to God.  With God's grace and mercy, the region will recover.  It won't be overnight nor instantaneous.     The families displaced will find help.  My heart says God's shepherds will step up and out on His word and bring a demolished area back to greatness.

For these things and more, thank you, Hurricane Harvey. 

For all things, thank you, God.

Shrympe Strong


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